How to Date Someone Online

The need of dating for male introverts sooner or later makes a man to ask himself a question – should I date on the Internet? The modern pace of development of high technology allows us to talk about the complete transfer of real life to the virtual one. This also applies to meeting new people, often of the opposite sex. It is clear that shy people who have problems with dating in real life most often resort to online dating.

The truth is that at least every second of us has already tried this and met new people through a worldwide network. Indeed, being hidden behind a thick computer screen or even a thin LCD monitor of a laptop, it is much easier to feel confident and learn a lot about interlocutors than in a real meeting. Let’s find the answer on how to date online?

Why is online dating so popular in the 21st century?

It is much more pleasant to sit in a comfortable armchair at home while sipping delicious coffee and meeting nice people. When visiting dating sites, everyone has their own goal. Today there are a lot of couples who meet on the Internet and create wonderful families. So, why online dating is a waste of time then? Those people who unequivocally say that you can’t find a good interlocutor or husband/wife on the Internet are mistaken.

All communication on the Internet can be divided into three large groups. The first ones are just looking for friends and interlocutors, those with whom they can have fun; the second ones are looking for loved ones, namely the future husband or wife; and the third group are people who are not looking for anything, but just don’t pursue any goal wandering around Internet open spaces.

Moreover, virtual dating is not dangerous. It is distinguished from ordinary ones by the fact that there is an opportunity to find out more about a person even before a meeting. Your goals may be so different that you shouldn’t meet at all. And this is the biggest advantage of online dating.

How to start dating online

Dating services are one of the best places on the Internet. Just imagine, thousands of single people visit sites and want to get to find their soulmates. It’s hard to imagine the best conditions for dating. But how to do it right? Look at this online dating guide:

  1. Define the purpose of dating

First, decide what goals you are pursuing. If you want a long relationship, then this is one thing, and if you want “entertainment” for one night, then this is completely different. In addition, perhaps you are not pursuing any specific goals and just want to chat. Don’t worry, there are many like you, and you can find like-minded people. In addition, when choosing a resource for virtual dating, you should give preference to high-quality sites.  How to do online dating? To make a virtual acquaintance real, you need to make an effort, find a good site, and fill out a form. Sometimes it is necessary to pass a test, but at the end of it, your psychological portrait will appear on the site, and you will be able to see similar portraits of your potential matches.

  • Describe yourself

How to start online dating? Try to describe yourself so that someone likes it. It is desirable to describe what makes you special, unique. Even if all you can do is bake delicious pancakes, you should definitely mention this: for some, this can be a decisive factor. No need to write formal things: “I love cinema, theater, meeting friends.” Be sure to tell how friends respond about you. Describe your potential chosen ones. It is important here to set some essential characteristics. Also, you can try to do this from a “third party”: how did your best friend describes who you need? Sometimes it makes life a lot easier.

  • Post your photos

The fear that colleagues or friends will see us on a dating site is usually scary. But why is it necessary to hide it from others? After all, without hiding, there are many more chances to find someone. Also, it is not a good idea to post photos processed in Photoshop. They often greatly distort the original, which leads to disappointment in the future. People should see your face. Show a calm state since emotions or grimaces always leave a ton of possibilities for subjective interpretation.

  • Buy VIP account

There are both free services for virtual dating, and sites and apps with all kinds of paid subscriptions with additional features such as displaying profiles on top places. Therefore, it is worth immediately deciding whether you can pay any funds to search for love on the network or whether you will be content with free options. Maybe it seems a trifle and nonsense, but in fact, it will help you stand out among the whole huge crowd of people and increase your chances. So, how to make an internet date successful? For this, you can make yourself a VIP user. And then it all depends on you and your ability to communicate online. Thus, you will have many more functions and options with a VIP account.

  • Be honest

What is the best way to date online? Be honest, of course. We often want to seem smarter or prettier than it really is, and the Internet gives us a ton of such opportunities. However, imagine your surprise when you meet not the one you are dreaming about. Surely you will feel disappointed and deceived. You will unlikely want to continue communicating with the “liar”. So, don’t do this with potential partners yourself: of course, filters for photos are a good thing, but you need to use them in moderation. The same applies to information about your hobbies and occupation: sooner or later, everything secret becomes clear, and you will definitely be embarrassed.

Main rules of online dating

To protect yourself, you need to follow a few primitive tips. First of all, as long as there is no determination in a person, you shouldn’t give your own real name, address, email addresses, and phone number.

Pay great attention to the conversation of your interlocutor, whether the facts in the story of the person with whom you are communicating change. This can help identify cheating.

If, for example, you agree to a date, exchange phones, chat with this person, this will allow you to hear their voice and how and what they say. And meet only in a crowded, safe place.

Tips on how to find someone online

If you don’t want the search for a soulmate to delay for years, if you want to get to know each other without unpleasant consequences, then you will be interested in online dating help.

  1. Prepare a few welcome phrases with which you will start communication

… and then the problem of how to get acquainted on the Internet will be partially solved. Why partially? Because after even the most original and catchy greeting, you still have to continue the conversation. In fact, there is nothing complicated and scary here: try to use simple phrases, and at the same time, be polite and attentive.

  • Reveal yourself gradually

How to get a date online? Don’t immediately disclose all the information about yourself to someone you meet online. First, tell only the most basic thing that will help attract attention. The remaining details need to be disclosed gradually, when you also learn something new about your new friend. And one more thing, we don’t recommend publishing too erotic photos. Thus, you will find not love but sex.  

  • Be ready to reject and be rejected

Don’t take the answer “No” too close to your heart. After all, most likely, refusing to communicate with you, people actually reject your age, hair color, place of your residence or any other parameter specified in your profile, just because this parameter is not suitable for them, and not because they have something against you personally. At the same time, don’t be shy to say “No” to people with whom you have no desire to meet.

  • Communicate freely

Communicating with people, ask them questions, show honest interest, remain friendly and open. Don’t reply with insignificant phrases, otherwise, the conversation may end quickly. Try to intrigue the interlocutor. On the first day of communication, you don’t have to be serious. Use funny remarks that once made you smile. Be interested in the plans and dreams of a person. Treat acquaintance on the Internet as an interesting game, even if you really want to find your significant other.

  • Make an appointment

Online dating – when to meet? If attraction arises and, as they say, there is a spark, then this is wonderful. So, you found that one and you can delete your profile. But in the case when a person didn’t interest you at all, you shouldn’t pronounce the phrase “We will definitely meet one day.” Don’t give a person vain hope. It is better to answer more restrainedly: say how pleasant it was for you to meet and chat, and also wish good luck in further searches.

So, how to have an online date? If you decide to meet someone on the Internet, then, first of all, you should choose a resource on which you will look for a life partner. Examine people’s pages and prepare in advance a list of phrases that you will use when communicating. Don’t make hasty conclusions. Try to ask questions that will not offend, but rather show your interest. And of course, you shouldn’t lie and brag.